
Atheist Vs Christian Morality | TJump vs C. Jay Cox

Atheist Vs Christian Morality | TJump vs C. Jay Cox Links to guests:

Tom Jump:

C. Jay Cox:


*Want to make your own case for something you're passionate about?

The fastest way we can get you on the show is if you email me ( the following:

1. Preferred topic and your stance
2. Whether you have a usable camera and/or previous online debate/discussion experience
3. I hate to ask, but if you can, a confirmed opponent, though we can find you one if you have no leads (though it may take a while because more and more people are reaching out to us with a partner confirmed).
4. Any days of the week that you're open at 9 PM EST


My name is James Kunz and I'm currently a doctoral student in industrial-organizational psychology in Colorado, USA.

The purpose of Modern-Day Debate:

To provide a fair, non-partisan platform for discussing the meaningful questions of life regarding science, politics and religion, while taking action to make the world a better place.


We now have Discord thanks to MathPig, Tony Designs and others!

Link here:


Ways to support Modern-Day Debate:



James Kunz
PO Box 763
Fort Collins, CO 80522


*Sometimes YouTube won't give you notifications of when we go live, so feel free to connect with us at our social media (and be sure to say hello! :)

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LINK TO BE THE MATCH, the bone marrow donor registry we frequently plug in streams:

Link to join the Be The Match donor registry so you can potentially donate to save a life:


DISCLAIMER: The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with.

I'm a Christian. If you ever want prayer or just someone to talk to after a horrible day, please reach out and let me know.

#Atheist #Vs #Christian

Tom Jump Debate,TJump debate,Tjump debates,Tom Jump debates,Tom Jump,TJump,Tom Jump Morality,TJump Morality,Tom Jump Morality debate,TJump Morality debate,atheist,Tom Jump Vs,TJump vs,atheist vs Christian,

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