
How Do We Live in a World Without Any Sense of Right or Wrong? PrayTV PGM February 21, 2020

How Do We Live in a World Without Any Sense of Right or Wrong? PrayTV PGM February 21, 2020 How Do We Live in a World Without Any Sense of Right or Wrong?

In these days and times when “Every man’s way is right in his own eyes” (Proverbs Chapter 21 and verse 2) how are we then to live in accordance with Isaiah Chapter 1, verses16-18.... “Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (New International Version).

Our world may have passed the dividing line of living in the time where all behaviors, all sense of right and wrong, have gone from the state of a completely amorphic moral code to a transitional time, when once more, the culture is beginning to have opinions about “right and wrong.” Although I am not in complete agreement with the “Me Too” movement in our country, there are laudable pieces of (let’s call it, a moral code), that this movement is espousing and saying, “Enough Already.”

What I’m addressing, is that for approximately the last half century, from the late 1960s to our present time, we have lived in a period of time where societies and social structures have been pushing the boundaries of moral “right and wrongs.” “Moral Relativism,” has seized our nation’s consciousness at such a dizzying rate that many people have lost their sense of conscience. The underpinnings of thought that cause people in general, and society as a whole, to be persuaded into thinking that we can all do whatever we want to do at any time, regardless of the affects upon ourselves or anyone else for that matter, is delusional from my point of view. We have been deluded into thinking that our actions have no consequences because we have rejected the notion there is eternal “truth” and there is tangible “reality.” Our society has reduced the precepts of God’s holy principles to social constructs emanating from some arcane form of religion, that we as a society no longer adhere to, trust in, or believe.

There is an overriding principle that affects social structures and norms far more profoundly than temporary generational decisions to “react and rebel” against the status quo. This powerful force is what I call the “power of the pendulum.” Once again, the pendular extremities of having no code and no boundaries of “right” and “wrong,” have reached their limits.

Mankind, left to our own devices, resists and runs from God, including His expressed will and ways. A generation is just about the right time cycle for us to discover our own folly. If we are willing to actually open our eyes to reality, and then repent and return, once again, we will discover the eternal, immutable, unchangeable loving arms of God. He is always willing and ready to embrace our wayward souls and wrap us in His care. It is God who beautifully articulates and defines what is “right and wrong,” so we can enter into a secure sense of discovering His will, understanding His ways, and entering into His purpose and plans for our lives, and yes, our eternal identity as well.

It may not be an easy task, but by God’s grace alone, He will help us to “wash and make ourselves clean, to stop doing wrong, and to learn to do right.”

Blessings, Brandt


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