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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( Marnie Simpson gave birth to baby boy Rox four months ago and while she’s already decided she wants more kids, she’s keen to avoid having another natural birth if she can. The reality star endured a difficult 28-hour labour that she’s since described as ‘traumatic’, after she lost two pints of blood, had two blood transfusions and has since been suffering from a chronic bladder infection. And while it hasn’t put her off expanding her brood with boyfriend Casey Johnson, it has got her thinking about other options when it comes to the baby’s delivery. Speaking exclusively to Metro.co.uk, Marnie, who has said she would consider surrogacy, said: ‘If I was ever to do it myself again, I think I’d get a c-section. ‘I’m never doing that again, it was really bad. I was so poorly.’ Marnie’s pregnancy right up until the moment she gives birth has been documented in season two of MTV’s Geordie OGs, which sees the cameras follow the lives of some of the original cast of Geordie Shore. If I ever do have any more, I think I would look at surrogacy. I don’t know, but if I was ever to do it myself again, I think I’d get a c-section. I’m never doing that again, it was really bad. I was so poorly. Addressing her birth, that even Casey said he found to be a ‘horrible experience’ – worth it though because it gave them little Rox, Marnie says she’ll never forget the ‘indescribable pain’. Debunking the myth that holding your newborn immediately makes you forget the pains of labour, Marnie laughed: ‘I don’t know where that comes from. ‘Honestly, that is the falsest thing I have heard. I haven’t forgotten it and I don’t think I every will. Maybe if people didn’t have any complications and their labour was quite straightforward – maybe they can forget…. even then, I definitely couldn’t. It was just an indescribable pain.’ Sorry to freak you out any expectant mummas out there. Marnie is hoping to have a ‘big gap’ between welcoming Rox and another child, because actually, she quite likes fussing over Rox and Rox alone: ‘I don’t want to give any of my attention anywhere else’. She praised Casey for being a ‘hands-on’ dad, with the singer taking on the night feeds and letting her get a good night’s sleep so she can tackle the days. And while she’s fully aware that people on social media will form their own opinions on her parenting, she isn’t afraid to share Rox with fans online – admitting that she actually finds it easier to post a picture of her baby that she does of herself. ‘It’s tough, I think being in the public eye is hard anyway, but I’m just so proud of Rox and that I’m a mum, I just want to show him off,’ she said. ‘I find it so much easier to share a picture of Rox than I do of myself. He’s just perf