
Art Of Saying No - Positively

Art Of Saying No - Positively How many times have you been in a situation where you wanted to say NO but ended up saying YES? Many a times is it not? Well you are not alone. People all over the world experience the "pain" of having said YES when they actually would have wanted to say NO. This is true whether one is at work, at home, with friends or with relatives.
At work not saying NO could be for various reasons (a) How can one say NO to the Boss (b) Will lose out on that promotion (c) negative impact on appraisal (d) how can one say No to a customer - After all Customer is King/Queen......and many other reasons.
At Home, with Friends Or Relatives the reasons could be (a) don't want to be seen as unhelpful (b) don't want to hurt feelings (c) don't want to affect relationships ...and many more reasons for you to say Yes when you should have said NO.
But have you ever paused to think how much damage you are actually doing to not just yourself but even to others by your saying Yes when you should have said NO.
Say client ABC ltd keeps demanding things from you...better price, better delivery schedule, be given priority over others, be given more time and attention than someone else and the list will be endless...and if you come from the "customer is king/queen" culture you just cannot imagine saying NO. And if you were one of the courageous ones to have said NO you may have inadvertently ended up hurting the relationship or simply lost the customer to someone who said Yes.
I ask you to pause and think for a second....what is your YES to "your wish is my command" attitude doing to your company's bottom line, how is it impacting your production lines, how will it impact your other customers etc.....
It's time to say NO!.....go from Yes a Yes . The workshop on the Art of saying NO is designed to get customers to accepting the NO as a Yes from their end.

#artofsayingno #positiveno #gettingtoyes #yesnoyes #noisgood #goodno #badyes

Art of saying No,Positive No,No is Good,Bad Yes,Art of Saying Positive Noo,

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