While preparing and revising for your exams to Score above 90 in Social Science, you need to prepare a list of important topics and questions that are frequently asked in the examinations. Practise these regularly. We have framed a list of the important topics, and there are high chances of questions being asked from these topics. It is also important to be aware of the design of the question paper. Let us look at the weightage of each CBSE class 10 Social Science subject and the design of the question paper.
All four subjects—History, Civics, Geography and Economics—carry a weightage of 20 marks each in the Social Science board paper you will soon be answering.
Sr. No. Subjects Marks
1 India and the Contemporary World – II (History) 20
2 Contemporary India – II (Geography) 20
3 Democratic Politics – II (Civics) 20
4 Economics 20
Total 80
Design of the Question Paper
Let us now look at the design of the question paper.
The Social Science theory paper is of 80 marks.
Internal assessment is of 20 marks; this will be conducted in the school. It comprises periodic tests of 10 marks, notebook submission of 5 marks and subject enrichment activities of 5 marks.
This year the Board has abandoned the concept of SA1 and SA2. So, now, from 2018 onwards, students will be tested on their knowledge of the entire syllabus.
Paper Design of Class 10 Social Science Board Paper
Typology VSA
(1 mark) SA
(3 marks) LA
(5 marks) Marks %
Remembering - 2 2 16 20
Understanding 3 1 2 16 20
Application 2 3 2 21 26
HOTS 2 3 1 16 20
Evaluation - 2 - 6 08
Map 2 1 5 06
Total 1 × 9 = 9 3 × 12 = 36 5 × 7 = 35 80 + 20 10
• The Social Science CBSE class 10 board paper has a total of 28 questions.
• Questions from 1 to 7 are of 1 mark each. Students are advised to answer these questions in up to 30 words.
• Questions from 8 to 18 are of 3 marks each. Try to limit your answer to 80 words.
• The next set of questions, i.e. from 19 to 25, are questions of 5 marks. You need to answer these questions in at least 120 words.
• Question 26 in your paper will be a History map-based question of 1 mark.
• Question 27 is again a History map-based question of 1 mark.
• Question 28 is a Geography map-based question of 3 marks.
• Questions 20, 22, 24 and 25 are History questions with internal choice. There will be no internal choice in Civics, Geography and Economics.
• An important point to note is that the third chapter of History—The Rise of Nationalism in India—is compulsory and you need to thoroughly prepare yourself for all topics in this chapter.