
China: 'Things Do Seem to Be Improving' - Brit Living in Wuhan

China: 'Things Do Seem to Be Improving' - Brit Living in Wuhan A British man living and working in the city of Wuhan in China shared his thoughts about the disease through social media, on Wednesday.

Charlie, who says he's been in Wuhan since the beginning of the outbreak, explains that things began improving recently. "Yesterday, the chairman, Xi Jinping, came to visit Wuhan, which is a good sign I think. Hopefully, sometime soon this will be over for Wuhan at least, not so sure about Europe. It seems like it's just starting in Europe and they've got a long journey ahead of them," he said.

He went on to comment on the situation with the coronavirus in Europe saying how he was "very worried" with how the United Kingdom is handling the crisis.

"I'm not sure if they are prepared for what's about to hit them in the next few weeks or so. Doesn't seem like they are taking any actions in terms of reducing contact, or closing schools or anything. I know that there was a football match cancelled today, probably a good idea if someone has been in contact with someone who is confirmed to have the virus. But that seems to be the only measure they're taking, I'm not sure if the NHS is ready for having potentially thousands of people infected," he said.

It is believed that the coronavirus initially started in the city of Wuhan which was put under lockdown late January in an attempt to prevent further spreading of the disease.

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