
Coming out the Cave with Wisdom for the Intense Year Ahead

Coming out the Cave with Wisdom for the Intense Year Ahead The world is chaotic. Too easy to just get swirled into the fear, confusion, doubt. I've been in my writing cave for 5 months. I am just coming out, and what I felt compelled today to do , is to reach out to you...

We are in for a year or likely many of intensity. We don't have to be afraid. But we do need to be awake and wise. Isolation and more information is not our friend. Each us of has to let go of what no longer serves us or the planet so we can rise into the new. This is going to take courage, clarity, connection and focus. Which is why I taped this message for you - Tune in.

With so much great energy around women's empowerment, speaking up, leading, there are some pieces that get missed ... we are not machines or Wonder Women, we are human women, with real needs. And there's so much information out there, the information and frenzy is tweaking out and creating doubt & confusion in even the wisest, strongest of us.

Next Sunday, come to the Feminine Wisdom Session where we can go deeper, get real, turn the lights on about what is REALLY going on ... and then get wise about what you and I need to stay clear, focused and well.

It's called Grace Under Pressure: Superpowers for Staying Calm, Centered and Clear in a Chaotic World. Just RSVP at And feel free to invite a friend - the more awake beings with the superpowers we need, the better.

grace under pressure,christine arylo,dealing with the intensity,practices for staying centered,

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