Thanks to my patreon peeps for pushing me into making videos again
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Neath
Mehron Kugler
Kerry Rodgers
Bill Crim
Lisa Goodspeed
Jocelyn Campbell jocelyncampbell.com
Greg Martin
Bill Erickson
Ashley Taylor
Vention Bartell
wade L
Samantha Tree
Eric Tolbert
G Cooper
Ramona Boston
Bryan Beck
Kevin Perry
Denzil crews
Polly Jayne Smyth
danita neu
Edited by Josiah Kobernik
music by Jimmy Pardo
More relevant stuff here:
My new book! Building a Better World in Your Backyard - instead of being angry at bad guys
Better Wood Heat: DIY Rocket Mass Heaters 4-DVD set
177 hours of Permaculture Design Course and Appropriate Technology Course
Permaculture Playing Cards
World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set
Rocket Ovens DVD
Permaculture Bootcamp
Podcasts, daily-ish email, forums, come visit, workshops, affiliate programs, consulting, etc.