0-6 is really really hard and annoying, especially the beginning part of the wave.
6-11 is not that bad actually.
11-13 is easy except for the last jump which is the single hardest part of the level.
17-27 is difficult at first, but once you get the rhythm for it, it becomes one of the most consistent parts.
27-36 is kinda dumb due to a couple annoying timings, and the straight fly after is free.
40-46 is, surprisingly, much easier than it looks.
46-54 is pretty simple and straightforward, it's one of the easiest parts of the level.
54-58 is really awkward but, like the drop ship, got consistent over time.
58-66 is the hardest part of the level, it's EXTREMELY inconsistent, difficult, and frustrating.
66-79 is free, easy, and fun.
80-83 is really annoying and caused me the majority of my deaths past the 58 wave.
84-88 is the 2nd hardest part of the level, but it got suuuper consistent.
89-100 is really easy but i died here like 5 times.
Total attempts: 10,312
Fails: 83x2, 84, 85, 87, 92, 93, 94, 97x2
Enjoyment: 2.5/10