
George A. J. Sparling - The interplay of symplectic and projective geometry in the context of ...

George A. J. Sparling - The interplay of symplectic and projective geometry in the context of ... Jurekfest 2019 - day 4, lecture 2.

Speaker: George A. J. Sparling.
Title: The interplay of symplectic and projective geometry in the context of plane wave spacetimes.
Abstract: I will discuss properties of null geodesics in spacetime, centered around the geometric understanding of the Sachs equations of general relativity and Penrose limits, I will use the languages of projective, symplectic and complex geometries. A key role is played by perhaps surprising applications of generalizations of the idea of a cross-ratio and the associated generalizations of the Schwarzian. This is joint work with Jonathan Holland.

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