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In this video, I talk about how Coronavirus made me a lot of money. I give 6 reasons why people fail at investing and trading and then 15 tips to become better immediately.
The top 6 reasons people fail when it comes to successfully investing and speculating are:
1. Timing the market. Focusing on trying to time the market instantly removes consistency from your system. Sophisticated investors understand that removing emotion as much as possible is key to successfully growing their investment account. They do this by removing decisions and instead, regularly buy the whole market like groceries, not perfume. By doing so, they benefit from cost averaging and the mean growth of the market.
2. Diversification. The best passive investors do not concern themselves with a particular company or a particular sector. Instead, they spread the risk over multiple markets and multiple sectors. They then use cost averaging and time diversification.
3. Shiny object syndrome. This is a phenomenon where an investor will constantly chase what they perceive to be the next best system. What they are doing is avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Instead of accepting that it’s their own system that requires some refinement, they pursue a fantasy of a perfect ‘no-expense’ system. There are expenses with all businesses.
4. Lack of trust. If it was that simple, everyone would be doing it right? No really…. It IS that simple. So why aren’t everyone doing it? because they do not trust it. Why don’t they trust it? They haven’t taken the time to test a system in order to give them trust.
5. Personality. Some people like being right more than they are wrong. Other people are okay being wrong more than they are right as long as the reward to risk is stacked in their favour. Some people like to have many opportunities to feel active. Some are okay with little activity. Building and developing an investment system to suit your personality is crucial for success.
6. Lifestyle. Trying to force investment and speculation systems into your lifestyle is a recipe for disaster. It is far better to build the system around your daily routine. This way, it’s far easier to maintain consistency.
15 tips on improving your Investing and Speculation:
1. Set up regular automatic transfers to low cost index funds.
2. Look up the term ‘cost averaging’.
3. Study the greats such as Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffet.
4. Learn how to read a financial statement.
5. Learn how to identify undervalued stocks.
6. Buy large cap stocks that you would be happy to hold for 10 years minimum.
7. Split your investment account into three:
a. Passive
b. Stocks
c. Trading
8. Learn a trading strategy.
9. Treat is as a business.
10. Don’t over-complicate it.
11. Test a trading strategy. Ideally five years of historical data.
12. Start small and apply a solid money management system to your trading.
13. Focus on the process rather than the outcome. Trust the process.
14. Leave it. Do not tamper with it. Do not jeopardise it.
15. Stay grounded. Neutralise greed and fear by journaling, reviewing and optimising.
No part of this video or any of the content in it is legal financial advice.
Results from what Jason Graystone teaches may not be typical nor expected for every person. Jason is a professional investor and currency trader. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. Your results may be better, worse or the same as Jason’s.
All information provided on this website is based on best practices and for educational-purposes only.
Jasongraystone.com (JG) is an online educational web site only. Information contained throughout the site/video may be provided by sources that are not affiliated with JG.
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