For inexpensive flooring, you can’t go wrong with vinyl. Whether you’ve installed vinyl flooring, vinyl plank flooring or vinyl tile flooring, learning how to properly care for the floors with an appropriate cleaning solution ensures long, clean life. If you want to do a proper cleaning on your vinyl floor, simply mix a gallon of water with a cup of apple cider vinegar. (White vinegar also comes in handy as a fine substitute.) Add a drop of dish soap for extra cleaning power. Ideally, you’ll fill a second bucket with clean, hot water to rinse the dirt off your mop as you work (rather than returning it to the floor). Squeeze your mop or towel well, then give it a nice soak up it in the vinegar solution and squeeze it all over again. All that squeezing and wringing is a definitely more than necessary, as too much water will infiltrate your vinyl floor’s seams, where it can affect the tile stickiness and cause corners to curl.