
Seek Fellowship With Jesus Christ Not a Local Church

Seek Fellowship With Jesus Christ Not a Local Church Full video transcript in comments section below.

Seek Fellowship with JESUS CHRIST Not a Local Church

I encourage you to seek fellowship with Jesus Christ, not a local church body. Jesus is the only one qualified to lead you and to guide you. He promised His Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us, because His Holy Spirit is GOD. If we follow Him and receive Him, He will lead us into everlasting life, but Jesus never promised another brother or sister in the Lord to lead us, He didn’t promise us a local church body, He didn’t promise us a pastor or any bible study. He promised us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christians will try to convince you that you have to be in church, otherwise you are not a first-class Christian. They will act like if you are old and too sick it’s okay, you have an excuse, that is not to go to church. But if you are healthy and well, they say you aught to be in church, or otherwise you aught to start one. Jesus did NOT call us to go out and start churches, He didn’t call us to start bible studies. He called us to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching the whole world to obey EVERYTHING that HE commanded, and that He would be with us even to the very end off the age. If we stick close with Jesus, He will show us what that means. But if you just join a church, start listening to the pastor, start following the church culture; that is the most likely way for you to get deceived because practically 100% of the churches do not hear from Jesus, they follow after doctrines of men. If we follow after Jesus, we will know exactly what to do, but if we follow after men we will lose our vision. There is only one verse in the whole bible that Christians will try to manipulate with, to try to get you to go to church, and that is Hebrews chapter 10, they say; “Don’t give up the fellowship, thus says the bible…” But if you go back and you read that verse, and you read the verse BEFORE and the verse AFTER you will see what is talking about. Number 1, this is an extremely WEEK argument to try to manipulate people to go to church, because in the first place, it was never a command of God, it’s more like, and encouragement for brothers and sisters who ARE following the Lord to stick together, so that they can encourage one another in LOVE and GOOD WORKS, and NOT to fall away from the faith. But, never was it a command from God to find a church, a local church and to stay connected to it no matter what. (as some are loyal to hypocrisy) I want to read to you what it says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24-26; “And let us consider one another in order to stir up LOVE and GOOD WORKS, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much more as you see the day approaching. For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no loner remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.” So, if we are mutually encouraging one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord, it is to encourage one another in the love of JESUS CHRIST. (and to NOT sin) It’s not all about sermons, bible study, theology, getting together under one roof, but it is to encourage one another in LOVE and GOOD DEEDS. The church is not doing this. In church is all about doctrines of men, all about getting everyone together for a ceremony… People get SO deceived they think that baptism and marriage have to happen in church… tithing, they think; “Oh, I have to find a church to tithe to…” or communion… “How do I take communion without a church…” and some people don’t agree with anything their church is teaching but they are just going to church to take communion… well WHY? Jesus never said that a pastor of a church had to orchestrate communion for you to take it. You can make your own unleavened bread, and you can go to the store and buy some grape juice and have communion with your family. You can baptize someone or be baptized by someone who is another true brother or sister in the Lord. You don’t have to have a pastor do it. The same with marriage, you don’t have to have a pastor marry you. People are so deceived, and they are so manipulated by church that they think that they just can’t be Christians and can’t be saved unless they are in church. YOU NEED JESUS CHRIST HE IS YOUR SLAVATION AND HE IS THE DOOR INTO EVERLASTING LIFE. Not the door to some church. Don’t be deceived by the liars that are in church that say you have to be there. You know what the biggest problem in church is though? It’s not that they ask for money, it’s not that there are just a few hypocrites there, because after all there are sinners everywhere in the world and we haven’t left the world yet. We are to be in the world but not of the world, we know that. The biggest problem in church is...

Christian,Fellowship,be separate,sin,bondage,Unshackled,set free,Deliverance Ministry,warningthepeople,

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