

The EASIEST Cycle to CHANGE Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to ATTRACT ANYTHING You Want! FREE GIFT: Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact: (CLOSING SOON)

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We are going to get right into this. So the very first thing, we're going to breeze past this all right there. First thing is smash that like button. If you're still watching you like these daily uploads, this is the deadly cycle that I'm going to explain to you and this is very powerful. And then we'll get into the two four method. Cause I don't just want to give you a cycle like some YouTube videos do and you're like, Oh my God, that sucks. How do I actually do it? So don't worry. At the end of this video I'll show you how using four ways and two things to kind of rewire some subconscious mind. Let's get into it. So the very first thing at the top, we have this, we have thoughts. This is where the cycle starts. So if you have the same thoughts while your life's going to be the same, it's been said that we have 60,000 thoughts a day and 80 to 90% of those are the same as the day before.

So what are the chances of making any change or attracting anything using the law of attraction or going after goals if you have the same thoughts. So it starts with your thinking, which leads into this new choices. Okay? This is why if you have the same thoughts, you get the same choices. Like you're just on loop. It's like if you hit play on the same record or your iPhone, right? You hit the same Spotify song, you're gonna get the same Spotify song. But if that's why changing your thoughts with books or videos like this or conversations actually lead you to make new choices, which is really cool. Eventually leading to the same actions, you get the same results or new actions, which actions lead to the same experiences, giving you the same feelings or new experiences, giving you new feelings. And then the cycle inspires thoughts.

You have a thinking and a feeling brain. It's very scientific, but you know your thoughts and your feelings need to be in line for change to really happen. Okay, now let's set this up. That means you can watch all these videos and conceptualize intellectually new thoughts, right? But if you don't have new feelings to back that up, it's not going to happen. There's plenty of people who think and believe in, want to manifest $1 million and or dream partner or whatever, but they don't feel like they can deserve it. Deep down inside, which we're going to talk about next, which is so powerful. Okay. And I want to give you this analogy right here to reinforce this and then I'll give you an example. Walk through to kind of drive this point home. You may have heard it in another video, but I think it's so simple and it's something we can all obviously understand.

And when you tie an image to these concepts, for me, if you're a visual learner like this, which I think you are based on the, you know, retention of these videos like visual stuff just ties this home together. Let's just say you plant a tree, okay? And you are getting rotten fruits. Like I'm here in Scottsdale, there's a tree right down the street. I walk past it every morning and some of the lemons look really bad. Okay, and so I'm like, look it up. These lemons. How silly is it for me to just come back the next day and hope that there's better lemons? Maybe next year there'll be better lemons. Maybe in a month from now there'll be better lemons. Maybe if that reads a few more books, it'll have better lemons. That's garbage because maybe it's just a rotten tree. Maybe it has a parasite. Maybe it's got a fungal infection and the roots are rotten.

That's why it's producing rotten fruits. Tie it into what we just talked about. The reason a lot of people, and maybe to an extent, some area of your life, you have negative feelings or actions, experiences, or your life situation....

This video is about The EASIEST Cycle to CHANGE Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to ATTRACT ANYTHING You Want!

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