Learn the two best methods for cold moist stratification using the refrigerator, and when each method should be used and why. I will teach you how I cold stratify small seeds using a moist paper towel, and larger seeds using sand. Cold Moist stratificaiton that normally takes place outdoors, in the ground over the winter. At least that is how mother nature does it. I will show you how to 'trick' the seeds into thinking they've been outside all winter long, while really they are just in your fridge.
seed stratification,cold moist stratification,cold stratification,how to stratify seeds,paper towel stratification,stratificaiton,how to cold stratify seeds,winter sowing,how to germinate seeds,stratify seeds refrigerator,how to,how to cold moist stratify seeds,zip-lock bag stratification,refrigerator stratification,stratify seeds in refrigerator,stratify seeds in fridge,stratify seeds in sand,cold stratify seeds in sand,