
Nielsen Builds Innovative Cloud-native Data Reporting Platform on AWS

Nielsen Builds Innovative Cloud-native Data Reporting Platform on AWS Nielsen is a global measurement and data analytics company, measuring what consumers watch and the advertising they’re exposed to. The company reached two "significant" milestones in 2019 with the help of AWS, according to Scott Brown, GM of TV & Audio at Nielsen. First, the company migrated its National Television Audience Measurement platform to the cloud with AWS. Then Nielsen built a new, cloud-native local television rating platform, "drastically increasing" the amount of data Nielsen ingests, processes, and reports to its clients each day, Brown said.

The company built a data lake storing 30 petabytes of data in Amazon S3, leveraging Amazon Redshift, AWS Lambda, and Amazon EMR as well. According to Brown, this enables Nielsen to grow from measuring 40,000 households daily to over 30 million households each day. "Working with AWS and the services they provide allows us to do all of that at a much faster pace with much greater velocity than we could have ever achieved before.

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